Used Books

Our Previously Loved books come from generous people who have donated their books to us. (We are so grateful for your donations!)

We give each of our donated books a thorough exam before we add them to our collection. They also go through an extensive cleaning process.

Some books, due to their age, and previous owners, may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe every author's work is culturally important, we have made them available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable ways.

Our Previously Loved Books are rated as the following:

New: New, or almost mint condition, no signs of wear.
Like New: Maybe a few dog eared pages, or a name in the cover.
Well Loved: May have names on inside cover. writing on pages, has tears in pages, or on dust jackets, may have many dog eared pages, etc.
Very Well Loved: Has definitely been through some things, but is still readable. 
Extremely Loved: These books have been through a lot, but every book deserves a home. 

If you'd like to donate books to us, please email us at